HiFi+ Vega G2 - Best Streamer / Network Player of the Year 2018

HiFi+ Vega G2 - Best Streamer / Network Player of the Year 2018

December 05, 2018

..In our test, we were struck by, “the G2’s significantly lower noise, it’s
markedly superior rendering of low-level sonic information, it’s clean and
clear but never hard or etched-sounding handling of transient sounds, and its
downright astonishing three-dimensionality.” We were also impressed by, “the
brilliant purity and richness of the tonal colours of each of the instruments in
play, the dead-accurate rendering of the dynamic envelopes of the instruments,
and especially of their distinctive attack and decay characteristics.”
Elsewhere in the same review, we surmised that, “In short, the G2 offered
up a sound that was at once invigorating, elegant, refined, and realistic.” And
we think that perfectly encapsulates all that sounds so very right about the G2
series in general, and the VEGA G2 in particular...

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